Do Water Filters Help Protect You From the Coronavirus
In these times of uncertainty, many people are looking for different ways to protect themselves from the threat of disease and of course COVID-19.
One of these ways includes water filters, and fitting whole house home water filtration systems, and a common question surrounding them is whether or not they help prevent sickness.
The short answer is that yes, there are some systems such as ozonation, ultraviolet or reverse osmosis that can treat water for multiple contaminants, such as viruses and bacteria.
Portable and more affordable water filters such as jugs, and bottles are generally not effective in removing viruses from water, as the filter would need to have a pore size of 0.01 micrometres to catch these harmful elements. This is why we recommend fitting a whole home water filtration system fitted by our team here a JIla Water.
Many standard filters do not meet this requirement, which would mean that any virus might still pass through.
However, having a whole house home water filtration system fitted by our team here a Jila Water has the benefit of producing healthier drinking water for you and your family.
As we all know, one of the best ways for you to keep your body in prime condition to fight off disease is through proper hydration.
In addition to this, using an alkaline water filter specifically to treat your water comes with a variety of health benefits.
Coronavirus in the Water Supply Again, coronavirus has not been found to have infected any of our water supplies.
The CDC confirms that there is no evidence to suggest otherwise and that the transmission of the disease is still primarily through close physical contact with an infected person.
However, if you’d like to stay on the safe side, we suggest carrying your own personal supply of filtered water just to be certain.
Whenever you have to travel outside of your home, ensure that you bring your own source of clean drinking water and avoid sharing it with other people.
This will minimize any chances of spreading the infection.
Simply pour your water into your flask after it’s been filtered by your home’s whole-house water filtration system fitted by our team here a JIla Water.
If you’d like to purchase or hear more about our whole house home water filtration system options please contact us here at JIla Water one of our water techs will be in contact or you can visit our website today by clicking on the following link.
We sell a wide range of products to customers in Australia, and we’d be happy to help you guarantee your own health as well as that of your family.
For more information about the Jila Water whole house water filter and our water filter system for your home please get in contact with our office. Anytime.
So remember if you need a water filter system for your home or a home water filtration system Jila Water is where you go for whole-house water filter systems.