What Showering In Filtered Water Can Do For You & Your Skin

What Showering In Filtered Water Can Do For You & Your Skin

What Showering In Filtered Water Can Do For You & Your Skin

What Showering In Filtered Water Can Do For You & Your Skin
Most Brisbane and Australian homeowners already know the importance of drinking clean, fresh filtered water. The quality of the water you’re showering and bathing in can also harm your health as there are several things in your water you don’t know about. Unfiltered water can carry several contaminants, including Chlorine, chloramines, trihalomethanes, pesticides, chloramines, heavy metals, bacteria, minerals, and bacteria. Substances found in the water can make showering a less pleasant experience as your water will smell and taste terrible.
With the water quality in Brisbane being hard and of relatively ok quality, you may even be exposed to contaminants that have a severe impact on your increased risk of chronic health disorders and your health.
The solution is to remove all the contaminants by fitting a whole-house water filtration system to your Brisbane home from us here at Jila Water. Showering in water filtered through a Whole House Water Filtration System can dramatically remove the number of contaminants commonly found in your water, making showering a safe and more enjoyable experience.
There are many Reasons Why You and ofter Brisbane residence need a whole-house water filtration solution in Brisbane and throughout Australia. When choosing whole-house water filtration, the most popular solution is our Jila Water whole-house water filtration system.
Although Brisbane has high-quality water by international standards, it can still contain many natural and artificial contaminants, most commonly found being Chlorine. Most Australian water treatment companies in towns and cities add Chlorine to their water supply to kill bacteria, viruses, and protozoa. What is then found is that by adding Chlorine to the water, other elements can be formed like Chloramine, Chloramines and Trihalomethanes.
Chloramines and Chloramine is a chemical compounds formed when Chlorine combines with ammonia which is also found in the water supply.
Trihalomethanes are chemicals formulated when Chlorine interacts with rotting organic matter.
Researchers and scientists believe these elements can increase the risk of things like bladder cancer, colorectal cancer, and even miscarriage in pregnant women. Cyst Parasites (Cryptosporidium and Giardia) and Bacteria can also be found in your home if using unchlorinated water from a tank, bore, tank, river, stream, or dam, it may contain parasitic cysts like cryptosporidium and giardia.
This untreated water may also carry things like bacteria like Coliform. and Escherichia coli (e-coli).
Heavy Metals Heavy metals like arsenic, lead, arsenic, copper, and cadmium can be transported into your water supply via many different natural factors (natural mineral deposits and erosion, ) or manmade circumstances (pollution, corroding pipes).
The process of ingesting these heavy metals has been found to be very hazardous.
Rust Although rust isn’t especially dangerous to consume in low doses, it can stain your clothing and then will discolour your drinking water. So let’s face it, it is better to have it removed rather than consumed.
Scale-Producing Minerals Some parts of Brisbane and Australia have water that is called HARD and is also high in scale-forming minerals like magnesium and calcium.
Do you find your showerhead to clog up, and there is staining throughout the shower, well this is commonly caused by these minerals found in unfiltered water.
Chemical and pesticides the Brisbane water supply may contain and be contaminated by potentially dangerous chemical contaminants, including Perfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAs), Poly, nitrate/nitrites, and, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) as well.
Just another reason why showering in water that’s been through a Jila Water Whole House Water Filtration System will remove 99.9% of the contaminants listed above.
The Jila Water Whole House Water Filtration system works using the following approach: Mechanical Filtration means The media or filter operates like a strainer, blocking more significant contaminants than the pours in the Water Whole House Water Filtration system media.
This is a powerful and very effective way to remove the sediment, metal particles, algae, and dirt that are found in the local water supply. sponge
Water Whole House Water Filtration filters can be made from a variety of materials, including food-grade metal mesh and polypropylene.
The absorption Filtration This type of media can intercept and then absorbs elements and different contaminants as if it was a sponge.
The most common material used in our Water Whole House Water Filtration during the absorption filtration part of the system is Granular Activated Carbon (GAC).
These different methods are capable of first filtering and then absorbing other chemicals found in the water and removing them like the Chlorine we spoke of earlier.
The Carbon part of the filtration system needs time in contact with the elements in the water to absorb and remove them from the water.
Our system removes a wide range of contaminants from your home’s water at the point of entry, so the hot water still comes out as fast and flows with fresh filtered hot water, so you still have perfect shower pressure even after the system is installed.
The whole house water filtration system also uses a KDF 55 filter element to dissolve the chlorine gas found in the water by changing it into water-soluble chloride ions (which are harmless to humans).
It can also reduce the build-up of scale, heavy metals, algae, bacteria, and fungi.
There are many additional benefits of using KDF55 as it has a bacteriostatic function, which means it can inhibit bacterial growth.
It can convert free Chlorine and certainly combined Chlorine (including sodium hypochlorite most commonly found in swimming pools), into the harmless element chloride.
By reducing, your Exposure To Chlorine, Brisbane and most towns and cities in Australia will treat their water with Chlorine to kill viruses, bacteria, and protozoa.
Now, there are several downsides to showering in chlorinated water, including Dry, brittle, or discoloured hair. However, we also know that Chlorinated water can strip out your hair’s natural oils, which keeps your hair looking great.
If you find you have dry skin, showering in water that has Chlorine will also strip advantageous bacteria and protective oils from your skin.
If you spend any length of time in the shower, it will also cause extreme redness and a burning sensation if your body doesn’t react well to Chlorine.
The harsh drying effects of Chlorine can also cause eczema or rosacea or flare-ups which can dramatically impact the condition of your skin.
By adding a whole-house water filtration system, you will reduce your Exposure to Chloroform. When it comes to trihalomethanes are produced, this happens when chlorine contacts decaying organic matter in waterways.
It is recommended you avoid Exposure to Heavy metals like mercury, lead, and arsenic that can enter the water supply from a number of, sources be they artificial or natural.
It’s been found that in high doses, these elements and different metals can greatly increase the risk of many different health conditions, including congenital disabilities, cancer, cardiovascular disease, skin lesions, poor cognitive development, and diabetes.
The combination of filters used in the Jila Water 4-stage Whole House Water filter system like the KDF filters can reduce the levels of water-soluble elements and the different heavy metals found in different water supplies throughout Brisbane and the rest of Australia, potentially helping you avoid some hazardous health problems.
Enjoy Cleaner Water to shower in after you and your family fit a Jila Water 4-stage Whole House Water filter system and it’s removing those contaminants that cause health issues along with the staining and other problems already mentioned.
The Jila Water 4-stage Whole House Water filter system works by changing magnesium particles and calcium by structure, reducing the number of particles that harden on your taps, bath, and shower screens.
You will find the unit will also reduce the rotten egg smell that occurs when the water has high levels of hydrogen sulphide. suspect
Our combination of filters fitted to your system will reduce Chlorine, chloramines, trihalomethanes, hydrogen sulphide (rotten egg smell), iron oxides, dirt, sediment, and odors from all the water that you drink, shower, wash and bathe in.
It is a complete water filtration system that we fit as the water enters your home, thereby you have peace of mind knowing that your whole home’s water is freshly filtered.
The recommended maximum service life of the cartridge is 12 months, depending on the water quality but our water techs will come out and inspect them every 12 months and give you recommendations when they service your unit.
So after reading this far you can see there are many different reasons to have a whole house water filtration system fitted for removing contaminants from the shower and bath water entering your home.
If you have any more you would like to know or just questions about Jila Water and what a Whole House Water Filtration system can do for you, contact us via the website, drop us an email, or call 1300 30 10 37.
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