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Why do you need to filter your home’s water?

Why do you need to filter your home's water

Today we’re going to talk about a very important topic, which is the water you and your family drink. You know, none of us can last more than a few days without water because we’ll die of dehydration. So it really is a crucial topic. Each and every one of us needs a high-quality water supply.

So what are the options? Okay. Ideally, your best option to get the highest quality water you can possibly achieve is really from getting it from a mountain spring. Now, fortunately, there are resources. You can do this. And typically many of these mountain Springs, there’s no charge to get them. All you have to do.

There is going to these Springs, even non-mountain Springs, at a sea level would be fine, too. Not quite as good as the mountain rapids. They’re there. There’s a resource. Find a spring.com that you can go to, and you can find a local spring. And that would be the best. Now, of course, there’s some time, effort, and energy involved, but if you can do that, it’s certainly what I would reckon.

And next down the line is well water. And, typically, there’s not going to be any fluoride, and there have far fewer contaminants involved.

Then optimize it. But I would say 99% of people viewing this are getting their water supply from the local council’s water supply, and that is loaded with problems. And that’s what I want to discuss. Now, typically, in a local council’s water supply, you’re going to find things I would say 99% of those water supplies are fluoridated, at least in Australia.

And there is a challenge. If you don’t believe it’s a challenge, please look at my website, but it is a significant issue. And it’s very, particularly problematic because it’s very difficult to remove even with the best water filter systems. It’s really almost impossible to get a hundred percent of it out.

But then, you know, the average person in this country is taking 13 drugs a year. And what do you think happens to those drugs? Well, when you swallow them, they’re excluded in your urine or your stool. So they wind up in the water supply. What about not taking and you throw them in the bin? They typically wind up eventually in the water supply too.

So these drugs are in the water and they’re typically not removed from traditional water filtration systems. And then the distribution systems the water comes from the water filter plant to your home. And then from there, your taps through pipes and the pipes can be made of a variety of different materials, which can also add to the problem.

But of course, the most common, additive, and concern in, a water system, water supply would be chlorine, and chlorine, of course, is added to improve and decrease the likelihood that you’re going to get sick. So thankfully most Western countries, the issue is virtually eliminated all those types of problems, but it does.

So at a cost, and the cost is that the chlorine, it’s not normal. It’s going not only going to kill bad pathogens that have been found in water but also kill your own gut infections. But even more importantly, this is the real. Chlorine can combine with organic material in the water and in your body to form what’s called a disinfection byproduct or a DPB for short and the most common ones would be trihalomethanes or indoor scenic acids.

So these are dangerous because they increase their about 10,000 times more dangerous than chlorine with respect to increasing cancers and causing other complications and problems. So this is definitely something you do not want in your water. So I think it’s pretty clearly established that if you have a local water supply, and most likely, even if you have been in a well water system, you really do need a filter, and you’re going to benefit from a filter.

And I think the key point here is that any filter I want to emphasize any filter is better than no filter, no matter what it is, because if you don’t have a filter, you become the. So, what are the other options? Well, clearly, either bottled water or filtered water and I believe bottled water. Really.

Isn’t a good long-term option if you’re at a conference or you’re at a seminar for a week? It’s probably not a bad idea, but on a regular basis, it’s not a good idea for a number of reasons. There are large, significant environmental reasons because you actually have to pay for the fuel to transport water.

And it’s very heavy, of course, 3 kg liters from point a to point B, where you’re going to be consuming it. But then it’s also how you’re storing it. That you’re storing it in a container. Typically plastic glass, of course, is better, but that’s not typically available. And plastics ideally would want to get a BPA for in Thali free one.

But even if they are BPA and valley, There are other chemicals in there. You don’t know what idea, any idea what the consequences of chronic exposure to what’s going to be it because there are so many things we don’t know about health and plastics we know are not natural or healthy and the ink there’s going to be an increasing amount of these toxins.

Components in the water the longer you store them or, the hotter temperature you store them. So these plastics do leaps. So you have to be really careful and don’t put them in the sun either. That’s another factor. So, that’s one big issue. But another issue is actually, you know, who’s looking at these water supplies, and it’s important to know that most local councils’ water supplies are regulated by the EPA, the environmental protection agency in the United States, and they’re relatively stringent standards.

Bottled water is regulated by the FDA. EPA has nothing to do with it. And the only requirement is to be as good as tap water. And so it’s potentially problematic, and I would definitely discourage it. There’s a lot of potential for fraud in this area and deception and. People advertise or companies advertise.

It is mineral water when or bottles or spring water when it really isn’t. So there’s a lot of very fricking fusion. So occasionally, it’s a good idea, but I would definitely encourage you to stay away from bottled water. If you’re going to use it, certainly the five-liter ones that are delivered to your home make the most sense, but you know, the small, pint or quart containers on a regular basis just as, is not a good, good long-term strategy.

So what types of filtration systems are there? Okay. , they’re broadly based on three different types of PR. One of the ones is distilled water. I think most people recognize that’s not really an ideal form. I’m not a big fan of distilled water for a variety of reasons. And I’ve actually written articles on that D structures.

The water is devoid of minerals and has other complications. And I would review my previous articles on that if you’re interested. And then, of course, the one that’s really not a water filter system is alkaline water. And I’ve also addressed this in a previous article, and it’s. Actually, that’s a process.

It’s not a filtration system. It’s a process to supply water. And I’m not a big fan of alkaline water, as are most of the experts that I’ve interviewed for a variety of reasons. And, I just think that there are better ways to do that. And personally, I would not use it. Um, so, but that leads us to two primary ways, which is the reverse osmosis system and a carbon-based system in our systems is something that I have used in my home personally for the last 15 years or so.

And it’s a really high-quality process that will remove most of the fluoride. Certainly not all of it. And most of the decisions. Byproducts of DPPs and, and the volatile organic compounds and most, all the contaminants that would be that you’d be concerned about that I mentioned previously, the problem with it is, and there are some problems is that it removes many of the beneficial minerals.

So it becomes relatively. , hungry for these and it can cause complications. So it’s easily solved. And I’d say by putting, putting a healthy mineral back in, and typically I use Himalayan salt about a quarter teaspoon per litre and just stir that in really well. And then I actually put the water in the refrigerator prior to use because that getting it down to 39 degrees, there have been some studies that suggested that restructures the water.

And that is one of the other side effects of our systems that it will destroy. And there’s a beneficial structure, too. It’s high-quality water, and that’s something you want to integrate into that. So, that really leads us to carbon filters, and carbon filters, um, are really a phenomenal solution for most people to consider.

And really, one of the ways that you can discriminate, and identify high-quality filters is by looking at the certification process. And for those of you who aren’t familiar with it. There’s an index. Third-party, the objective agency called NSF really establishes these criteria and levels of quality of water that you can easily look for.

Then what type of filter do you get? If you’re going to use a carbon filter? Well, there have been basically three different types of systems. One is going to address your whole house. Like this system here. One, that’s a point of view that you’d typically put on your kitchen tap, and another is in your shower.

And we’ll talk about each of these, first of all, the whole house. Now, 99% of people are so using local councils’ water systems. And if you, if you’re one of those who fall into that group, then there’s an important point to consider that you probably don’t realize. I didn’t realize until I started looking at this more carefully that the chlorine that’s in the water supply and the disinfection products are all volatile.

That means they evaporated. And just as you can, one of the tricks that you can use, like if you’re in a war in a restaurant and you don’t want to pay for bottled water for a number of reasons, why. Say let’s just have the regular tablet, but just let that tablet sit for a half-hour and the chlorine and the disinfection byproducts will volatilize.

Well, just like that’s going to volatilize in that glass of water in the restaurant, it’s also going to volatilize in your toilet. And if you’ve got a few toilets in your house, it’s a significant volume of water, especially if you’re flushing them regularly, that’s going to evaporate these dangers. Gas is in your home.

So your indoor air quality will actually decrease quite substantially. And that’s actually one of the benefits. If you’re on a local council’s water system or using one of these systems your indoor air quality improves because you’re not vaporizing chlorine and disinfection byproducts into your home.

So if, for some reason, you don’t have that, remember again, any filter is better than none. If you don’t have one, that’s fine. Just make sure, even in the winter that you’re opening up your windows, preferably windows, on each side of the house. So you get cross ventilation for about five to 10 minutes a day.

Exhaust those gases from your home, because it’s not good for you or your family to be breeding those gases, but you can eliminate that by using one of these. Now, if you have a local council’s water supply, then this system works great. If you’re on well water, like my, like me, then you’re going to have to have one customized.

You actually have to have your water tested to see exactly what’s in your specific water. So a specific solution can be designed for your water supply. Now, interestingly, what I didn’t realize is that one of these whole house water filters can actually substitute for a water softener. I’ve actually eliminated my own water software now and just use this exclusively, which is phenomenal.

And it really cuts down on the, maintenance and the headaches, because a system like this really for the most. Every few months or so just has to have the pre-filter changed. , and, and it’s a relatively easy thing to do. You just, just remove that cartridge, put a new cartridge in, and that’s it.

And those are relatively inexpensive and the whole cost per litre. Admittedly, you’re not gonna be drinking most of all the water that’s coming through here. Cause it’s going through your toilet, and you’re washing your clothes with your showering, but it’s only 0.003. Per litre as pretty inexpensive water because these media filters will actually last about 300,000 liters of water.

And if you live in a big house, it’s important to know that you actually may need two of these, because if how’s any bigger than about 3,200 square feet or about three and a half baths, bathrooms will, require additional units because the water pressure tends to go down. As you have a lot of water use.

So the water will filter the water just fine. It’s just that you may notice a difference in dropping your water pressure. So that’s an important point to consider. Definitely. Something that, you know, these are relatively inexpensive. I mean, there’s some reverse osmosis. Whole house systems may cost three to $5,000.

And, clearly, I would strongly discourage you from using something like that unless you have the special pipes, because most of the time, then if you have the wrong. Plumbing in your system and you use a reverse that’s mostly could cause tremendous damage. You have to be really careful with those.

So that brings us to the next point and actually some type of system that you’d want to use in conjunction with this as a point of view because this system is too—installed where the water comes into your home. So then you still have the pipes that, that, the distribution center within your own home, that pipes lead from this to your actual point of view, whether it’s your kitchen or your bathroom.

So the water coming out of there could be contaminated by the pipes in your home. So that’s why it’s probably a good idea to have a point-of-use filter. And so those are, can be over the counter or under the counter. And again, you want to look at the same points I mentioned earlier with the NSF certification.

I want to make sure it has, another point to consider. Yeah, most, of the higher-quality units are going to have two stages. , and you want, in other words, two containers or the media filter because it’s really difficult. If not close to impossible to get a high-quality filtration process going, there’s only one container.

That’s sort of a big clue as to if, if, if you’re looking at a high-quality system. So, some of the ones, the ones I recommended actually using my own home are actually listed below here. So you can read that for more information. But then lastly, probably one of the most important points is, is the shower filter.

And, you know, if you only could buy one filter only you use one filter in your home. Probably the most important one is going to be roughly one of them, one of the least expensive ones. And that’s a shower filter and saying why I’m not drinking my shower water. Well, the reality is you are, and that for most people to understand that when you ha, when you bathe in the shower, You’re actually volatilizing many of these compounds, like the chlorine and the disinfection byproducts at a higher rate, because typically it’s a hot shower and then your skin is actually absorbing this so that if you take a shower for about 10 minutes or so that you’re absorbing the equivalent of drinking one liter of the same way.

So it’s a significant issue because most people take showers longer than 10 minutes, or certainly, if you’re taking a bath, you have a similar issue. So, if you could use a shower filter for your bath, many people have the shower and the bath connected. So you just fill up your bathroom instead of bathing in that.

So it’s a simple, simple process. So remember. Going to need a high-quality source of water on a regular basis is really an essential, crucial component of your long-term health plan. Because if you’re, you know, you can get away with something once in a while, occasionally, but on a regular basis. If you’re, if you’re making a mistake in this and you’re inputting it into your system or your family system, these real, relatively toxic chemicals over the long-term, there’s going to be health consequences.

There’s no question about it. So remember the key principles here? Is it any? Any filter is better than no filter. And if you don’t have a filter, the filter is so pleasing for you and your family’s sake. Make sure you have a filter, a high-quality filter that you and your family can take control of your health.

With all that said, we think it’s best to have one of our Jila Water Techs come and test your home’s water supply here in Brisbane and give you a tailored solution to your water issues and questions.

Check out jilawater.com.au for more information.

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