5 Common Hazardous Contaminants in Unfiltered Water

Water is necessary for life, and proper hydration is essential for human health. Our health may be risked if we don’t drink enough water. Moreover, water is important for hydration, cooking, bathing, cleaning, and other daily activities. What Is the Source of Drinking Water? The drinking water from your faucet comes from either the surface […]

How Can Home Water Filters Improve Dry Skin

How Can Home Water Filters Improve Dry Skin While our home has mandatory everyday amenities that tend to all our daily needs, it can also have add-ons installed to improve our quality of life. Yes, you have your furniture, appliances, and security measures designed to make your household a much better place to live in, […]

Is It Possible for COVID-19 to Be Transmitted through Water

Is It Possible for COVID-19 to Be Transmitted through Water

Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn COVID-19 is a potentially fatal disease caused by a virus. Since we are still in the middle of a pandemic, it is understandable that many people are concerned about their well-being. After all, the virus can spread easily without proper precautions. It is […]

Why You Should Cook Food Using Filtered Water

3 Reasons Why You Should Cook Food Using Filtered Water

From washing rice, fruits and vegetables to cooking soup and washing our plates, we are always using water. But with this in mind, did you know that the water you are using can prevent you from serving a healthy and delicious meal?   Hard water coming directly from your tap can sometimes change the colour, […]

3 Benefits Whole House Water Filter Systems Provide

A whole house filter system essentially filters all the water that will be coming into your house. It doesn’t matter whether it’s water you’ll be drinking or water for the toilet. Whatever purpose the water will be used for, the whole house filtration system will remove any debris or contaminants before they can get to […]

The Benefits of Having a Shower or Bath Water Filter

The Benefits of Having a Shower or Bath Water Filter

The Benefits of Having a Shower or Bath Water Filter Australians know the importance of drinking clean, filtered water. However, the need for filtered water in the bath may be of lesser importance to many. Still, unfiltered water may contain numerous contaminants like chlorine, chloramines, minerals, pesticides, trihalomethanes, heavy metals and bacteria that may affect […]