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Brisbane Home Owners Water Filtration Needs

Cost-Effective Home Upgrades to Increase a Property’s Value

Remodelling and renovation can bring a new, refreshing energy to your home. Done correctly, these changes can even increase your property’s value to new heights. Unfortunately, not all home improvement projects can have a positive impact on your property. Cost-effective Home Upgrades to Increase Your Property’s Value Aspiring real estate investors should equip themselves with […]

A Guide to Hard Water and Drinking Water In Your Home

A Guide to Hard Water and Drinking Water In Your Home

A Guide to Hard Water and Drinking Water In Your Home We’re always reminded to drink eight glasses of water a day, but there are a couple of specifics that you need to know about before you get hydrated. Every household may receive a mix of hard water and soft water, and it can be […]

Filter vs Tap Is Drinking Filtered Water Safe for Children

A regular person cannot live for longer than five days without water. A person cannot maintain body temperature without water, which may result in dehydration. While it may be manageable for adults, children can be prone to more severe consequences. Although tap water is safe for children, filtered tap water is much preferable. Part of […]

Why Filtered Water Is Still Better than Tap Water

Why Filtered Water Is Still Better than Tap Water

Why Filtered Water Is Still Better than Tap Water Why Filtered Water Is Still Better than Tap Water   The ongoing debate about which is safer to drink between filtered and tap water has been going on for quite some time. While the discussion hasn’t been laid to rest, a new contender entered in the […]

Different Types of Water and How They Affect Your Teeth

Can Your Dental Health Be Affected by the Type of Water You Use?

Can Your Dental Health Be Affected by the Type of Water You Use? Oral health is a complex thing. You need a strict dental care routine to ensure your teeth and gums stay strong. You need to eat the right food because what you eat can also impact your oral health. But did you know […]

4 Myths about Drinking Water to Stop Believing in

4 Myths about Drinking Water to Stop Believing in

4 Myths about Drinking Water to Stop Believing in 4 Myths about Drinking Water to Stop Believing in Water is necessary to our daily lives, especially since the human body is 70% water. While a person may last a month or more without food, a week without water can be deadly. Water is more than just […]