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The Brain and Water: Why Water Is Needed for a Healthy Brain

The Brain and Water? Why Water Is Needed for a Healthy Brain?

  Did you know that 85% of your brain is water? This fact alone tells us a good deal about why water is essential for the brain, and it may seem strange that the brain needs water, given that your body needs it to keep from dehydrating. But your brain is also getting a good […]

5 Common Hazardous Contaminants in Unfiltered Water

Water is necessary for life, and proper hydration is essential for human health. Our health may be risked if we don’t drink enough water. Moreover, water is important for hydration, cooking, bathing, cleaning, and other daily activities. What Is the Source of Drinking Water? The drinking water from your faucet comes from either the surface […]

How Can Home Water Filters Improve Dry Skin

How Can Home Water Filters Improve Dry Skin While our home has mandatory everyday amenities that tend to all our daily needs, it can also have add-ons installed to improve our quality of life. Yes, you have your furniture, appliances, and security measures designed to make your household a much better place to live in, […]

Filter vs Tap Is Drinking Filtered Water Safe for Children

A regular person cannot live for longer than five days without water. A person cannot maintain body temperature without water, which may result in dehydration. While it may be manageable for adults, children can be prone to more severe consequences. Although tap water is safe for children, filtered tap water is much preferable. Part of […]

Is It Possible for COVID-19 to Be Transmitted through Water

Is It Possible for COVID-19 to Be Transmitted through Water

Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn COVID-19 is a potentially fatal disease caused by a virus. Since we are still in the middle of a pandemic, it is understandable that many people are concerned about their well-being. After all, the virus can spread easily without proper precautions. It is […]

Removing problematic Fluoride from residential water? Good Or Bad

Removing problematic Fluoride from residential water? Good Or Bad

Removing problematic Fluoride from residential water? Good Or Bad Welcome to a check into removing problematic Fluoride from residential homes and water supplies. The time you invest in it could protect your drinking water quality and your health. Naturally, occurring Fluoride is present in the environment. Water dissolves fluoride compounds when it passes over or through […]