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Removing problematic Fluoride from residential water? Good Or Bad

Removing problematic Fluoride from residential water? Good Or Bad
Welcome to a check into removing problematic Fluoride from residential homes and water supplies. The time you invest in it could protect your drinking water quality and your health.
Naturally, occurring Fluoride is present in the environment. Water dissolves fluoride compounds when it passes over or through soil and rocks, resulting in small amounts in virtually all water sources,
Humans use Fluoride in the structure of their bones and teeth. And it reduces the formation of cavities in children. Excessive ingestion of Fluoride can cause what’s called fluorosis. The discoloration of teeth and surface irregularities or, in severe cases, bone disease. The US EPA has set a maximum contaminant level of four milligrams per liter.
Some people who drink water with Fluoride in excess of four milligrams per liter over many years could get dental and skeletal fluorosis. As per the WHO website.
The USC PA has set a non-enforceable secondary standard of two milligrams per liter to protect against dental fluorosis in children. Under nine years of age should not drink water that has more than two milligrams leader of Fluoride; where are natural fluoride concentrations? The grade. In different parts of the country, elevated concentrations of Fluoride greater than 0.5 milligrams per liter occur naturally in a nationwide sampling. The Geological survey found that 85% of residential Wells tested below the CPA’s maximum contaminant level of four milligrams per day.
How do I test for Fluoride in my water? First, use a certified drinking water testing laboratory for accurate results. Essential in getting appropriate water treatment technology. If necessary, your county health department can help you find a list of testing labs. Another way to obtain a list is to contact your state lab, or certification officer.
The question of ingesting too much fluoride can cause fluorosis and adults and children resulting in discoloration and surface irregularities, and teeth.
Children under the age of nine should not consume too much Fluoride in order to prevent fluorosis. The US EPA has set a standard of not more than two milligrams per liter of drinking water for children under the age of nine. However, It is important to note that some people, including adults who drink water with Fluoride in excess of four milligrams per liter over many years, could get a bone disease.

Now Fluoride is in virtually all water sources. So everyone faces the same potential risk, true or false?

The answer is false. Well, Fluoride is in virtually all water sources. Its concentration in groundwater can vary depending on the composition of local soil and geology. That means some homeowners may have a greater potential risk of health problems from Fluoride than others.
How can I reduce Fluoride in my water to acceptable levels? Two possible options involve the well itself. Having a Jila Water Whole House Water Filtration system installed may be able to filter out the Fluoride within the water coming into your Brisbane Home.
Other solutions involve water treatment, including reverse osmosis, ion exchange, and reverse distillation osmosis. Remove dissolved ions from water by forcing water through a semipermeable membrane retaining most ions while transmitting the water. Our road units typically are installed at the point of view, such as the kitchen sink, but can be installed where water entered your Brisbane home.
Ion exchange typically involves a physical-chemical process in which water passes through a specialized resin-inducing, an exchange of ions to achieve. Ion exchange treatment systems usually treat all the water coming into the house.
Installing a home water treatment system or a whole House Water Filtration System is the only way to ensure that drinking water from Wells is safe from excessive Fluoride, true or false.
The answer is false. In some cases, a water filter system can be retrofitted to bypass zones, producing water with massively reduced levels of Fluoride.
Our reverse osmosis, ion exchange, and distillation, which technology is best for you, can depend on the level of treatment. Cost or both use certified water treatment products, independent product testing labs certification, verifies that our product works to check the national sanitation foundation or the water quality, associates.
For more information about fluoride removal and what a whole house water filter system can do for you and your home, visit jilawater.com.au to find out more, or book an in-home water test today to see what solutions we could have for you and your family.
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