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What is a Whole Home Water Filter System and What Does it Do?

What is a Whole Home Water Filter System and What Does it Do?

What is a Whole Home Water Filter System and What Does it Do? Hey everybody. It’s James with Jila Water, and in our ongoing series of answering frequently asked questions today, we’re going to talk about whole house filtration. What is a whole home water filter system? Well, a whole home water filter system could […]

What Showering In Filtered Water Can Do For You & Your Skin

What Showering In Filtered Water Can Do For You & Your Skin

What Showering In Filtered Water Can Do For You & Your Skin Most Brisbane and Australian homeowners already know the importance of drinking clean, fresh filtered water. The quality of the water you’re showering and bathing in can also harm your health as there are several things in your water you don’t know about. Unfiltered […]

5 Reasons You Should Switch to Filtered Water in Your Cooking

5 Reasons You Should Switch to Filtered Water in Your Cooking

5 Reasons You Should Switch to Filtered Water in Your Cooking Using straight tap water in Brisbane for drinking and cooking is always a figure of uproar in various communities. While some say it’s okay for hydration, others counter it by saying it’s a dangerous way to refresh. Over the years, water companies have improved tap water […]

Is Tap Water in Australia Safe to Drink?

Is Tap Water in Australia Safe to Drink?

We answer the question Is Tap Water in Australia Safe to Drink? Perhaps many people have asked this question at least once in their lives: is tap water in Australia safe to drink?  Are there risks and issues to it? And if there are, what are they? Is it better to drink bottled water instead? […]

What's the Micron Level of your whole house water filter system

What’s the Micron Level of your whole house water filter system

What’s the Micron Level of your whole house water filter system WHY DOES MY TAP WATER TASTE LIKE DIRT, METAL, CHLORINE? Hey everybody, James again from Jila Water, we’re talking about microns. We get a lot of questions from Brisbane homeowners that refer to microns. What is and why is it so crucial in water […]